The Induism consider Tulsi as an manifestation of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and principal consort of Vishnu.
In the middle of their lovemaking, Vishnu appeared in his true form and urged Tulsi to abandon her earthly body and return to his celestial abode as Lakshmi, his wife. Tulsi's mortal remains decayed and became the Gandaki River, while her hair transformed into the sacred Tulsi plant.

Tulsi, also called Holy Basil, is one of the most sacred plants in India and is considered "The Queen of the Herbs" for its restorative and spiritual properties. Also spelled Tulasi or Thulasi, it has been used for thousands of years in the Ayurvedic medicine to support a healthy response to stress, natural detoxification, and restore balance and harmony of the body.

Tulsi or Holy Basil (Ocimun Sanctum), from the Sanskrit "Mother medicine". Of over 100 species of Holy Basil 3 are the most important: - Rama Tulsi (Ocimun Sanctum) with green leaves - Krishna Tulsi (Ocimun Tenuiflorum) with green-violet leaves - Vana Tulsi (Ocimun Gratissimum) with fragrant green leaves.

TULASI MALA: Tulsi wooden beads, Garnate stones and Rudraksha seeds